Life Update: Pandemic, parenting and history

Life Update: Pandemic, parenting and history

We are 8 days in 2021 and it’s been an interesting 8 days. Canada has our highest numbers of Covid-19 cases being reported and our day to day lives are different. My husband is back to work, I am working from home, and my son was in virtual school this week. We were juggling all the schedules this week, but it’s working and we’re doing okay. My son’s school is reopening for in-person learning next week, and I have a mix of emotions. I know the kids prefer to be in class, they learn better in class, and virtual school for a 7-year-old is tough. I do wish our numbers were lower though. I’m scared, we live in a scary world right now. Before the break, we still had zero cases reported for the school and I really pray that we stay safe.

My province has implemented a curfew that will begin this weekend, this will not really change our day to day lives since we’re home by 8 pm anyway. I see a lot of people are upset but we really need people to understand that gathering in homes is not acceptable, we need our numbers to come down- our hospitals are overloaded.  I really believe this should have been implemented during the holidays, it has been reported that 48% of people still gathered during the holidays. The people who are upset about the 8pm curfew, I want to ask, “where were you going anyway?” We’re supposed to stay home. 

As for this blog, I plan to start writing reviews again both for makeup and books. I’ve been testing new makeup, and I’ve been reading. I finished 2020 with 43 books read. I haven’t watched much on Netflix, but I did finish the Bridgerton episodes. I really enjoyed it, and I’m actually reading the second book now.  I would like to give more life updates and my thoughts on what’s happening. I have a degree in history and when I see the news, I see it as 'history in the making'. I see what’s happening in the United States and it’s scary; democracies are fragile and need to be protected. I see Canadian politicians who are travelling during a pandemic but telling citizens to stay home. NO, that’s unacceptable. We need to get out of this pandemic together. We need to collectively care about others' health and safety, and not try to be the exception to the rules.

For 2021, I really want to start focusing on my blog again and sharing what I’m loving and what I’m not. I love testing out products and sharing book reviews. Blogging has always been a passion of mine, and I miss it.

1 comment

  1. It's a very scary world right now and I can understand your hesitancy at sending your son back to school but hopefully all precautions will be taken and he'll be fine. Looking forward to seeing new posts x

